
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848137. The material presented and views expressed here are the responsibility of the author(s) only. The EU Commission takes no responsibility for any use made of the information set out.

Terms of Use

The MENTUPP Hub is an online portal of learning tools that seek to improve mental health in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the construction, health and ICT sectors. The interventions in the MENTUPP Hub are developed by the MENTUPP Project.

No, the MENTUPP Hub is free of charge.

Yes, you can cancel your registration at any time and are not required to provide a reason(s). If you wish to cancel your registration, please email your request to contact@eaad.net.

Please refer to the MENTUPP Hub Data Privacy Statement for details about privacy and data. For further information about the MENTUPP Hub, email contact@eaad.net. If you require help or it is an emergency, please contact helplines.

For users of the MENTUPP Hub, the following terms of use apply:

Registered users can access all information and materials in the MENTUPP Hub. Their use is foreseen exclusively for personal use. Any other use, as well as any reproduction of information and material, requires prior permission from the MENTUPP Project.

The MENTUPP Hub contains links to websites of Third Parties. The MENTUPP Project does not have any influence over the content of those websites, nor is it responsible for their availability.

Information and materials in the MENTUPP Hub are not expected to have any negative effects on your mental health.

The MENTUPP Project will not be liable for injury, loss or damage in respect of any matter whatsoever related to any information in the MENTUPP Hub. This also applies to the use of the information or for actions taken or not taken because of information contained in the MENTUPP HUB (including, without limitation, loss or damage caused by negligence).

Should you have further questions about these MENTUPP Hub Terms of Use please email contact@eaad.net.